Shipping and return policies for 2651 Records

Shipping Info
3 Delivery, shipping costs

(1) The delivery from the warehouse of 2651 to the delivery address given by the customer. Unless otherwise specified in the product description, all items can be shipped immediately. Costs incurred because of the customer or an authorized person to receive is not present at the time of delivery at the specified delivery address, borne by the purchaser.

(2) The cost of shipping depend on the amount and type of products. Within United Kingdom the shipping costs at least 5.00 £ and outside United Kingdom at least £ 6.50. Should the buyer shipping on certain of his service want (for example express services) or should take place abroad the shipping, 2651 shall notify the Purchaser the delivery at its request, with.
Return Policy
If the customer revokes his purchase agreement, 2651 refunded to the purchaser the sale value. Reimbursement will be made within fourteen days from the date on which the goods 2651 has recovered. For the reimbursement 2651 does not charge any fees. The cash for the repayment of the Purchaser with 2651 agree.

2651 may refuse to refund to the full return receipt of the goods.
The purchaser must have the goods no later than fourteen days from the date on which he has 2651 informed of the cancellation of the contract and, at
2651 Records
c / o Alfie Brownson-Smith
25 Emerson Crescent
Sheffield, S5 7ST, United Kingdom

The Purchaser shall bear the cost of returning the goods.
The buyer must pay for any diminished value of the goods, when this value is due to a loss necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods handling.

End of revocation.